| | Can either be a domain name or an IP address. |
| | Database port. |
| | Leave this blank unless you would like to create the user and database for Zurmo to run in. |
| | Leave this blank unless you would like to create the user and database for Zurmo to run in. |
| | The name of the database you want to run Zurmo in. |
| | WARNING! - If the database already exists the data will be completely removed. This must be checked if you are specifying an existing database. |
| | User who can connect to the database. |
| | User`s password. |
| | Zurmo administrative password. The username is `super`. You can change this later. |
| | Memcache host name. Default is |
| | Memcache port number. Default is 11211 |
| | Install demo data. |
| | Host name where Zurmo will be installed. |
| | The relative path where Zurmo will be installed. |
| | Automatically submit crash reports to Sentry. |